I believe many bloggers have known already about
Auto Play Embeded Youtube Video On Blogger Blog
, this is not kinda a new trick anymore. However, we all know that there always be a new guy in any case right? That my friend, is what makes this tutorial always worth some paragraphs. I'm sure this is such a nothing or a poor article for you, but this could be something that somebody out there is searching for.Generally, bloggers set embeded video to play on click - means that the visitor has to play the video himself - don't know they mean it or they have no option. The code to set embeded video to play automatically on page load itself is no much difference with the usual code that we use all this time to embed videos on our blog, cause it makes use of that code too, we only need to add one more command into the code in order to make web browsers play the embeded video automatically on page load. You can say that it is the same code, there is no special ingredients here, the secret is on your device and the browser itself.. Awphoey? :)
How To Embed Video From Youtube?
It's easy, peace a cake.. Not even harder than when you count your fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Awphoey, i like that.. :)
1. Visit Youtube.
2. Find the video that you want to embed and click on the video.
3. Look for "Embed" and hit that link.
4. Copy the code given.
5. Paste it where you want the video to appear.
6. You're done.
You see that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. Let your child do it for you, he'll love to work with videos. I love videos.. :)
How To Set Embeded Youtube Video To Auto Play On Blog Load?
The secret is on the additional code that you'll have to add to the default code. So this is the secret, special ingredient that you must know: ?autoplay=1. That short? I'm talking hours just to tell you ?autoplay=1? Yes my friend, i'm talking hours for that surprisingly short code.. But you'll never know if i don't tell you right? You won't find it out yourself my friend, unless you're a coding expert, and fortunately you're not.
The default code from youtube to be the lesser looks like the following:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sRccnYPNgLE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Now that you'd like to make the video played automatically on page load, the code will look like the following:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sRccnYPNgLE?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
However, i face a trouble when i use that code in my blogger blog, so for bloggers you better take the following code instead of the official code above:
<p><span class="youtube"><iframe title="YouTube video player"
class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="425" height="344" src="http:/
showsearch=0&rel=1&theme=dark" frameborder="0"
That's it my friend, How To Set Embeded Youtube Video To Auto Play On Blog Load. Now you have two options to embed videos on your blog, hope you are cheered up my friend. Don't forget me if you just knew about it from here okey? I'll feel honored so much.. :)
Which One Is More Preferable, Play Embeded Video On Click Or Play Embeded Video On Blog Load?
How to define it, which one is preferable? I can't define it, you define yourself.. There is no matter whichever you prefer to pick, cause both metode is good, it's up to you. However, if you want to set your videos to play automatically, you must be aware that it may cause some of your visitors experience an inconvenience with your blog. You bet, what somebody that's been "so high" in dignity, connected to the internet in his office where there are many "other high men", feel if suddenly his two big active speakers in the office play maybe a guns and roses song badly extremely by his laptop just because he accesses your blog? Not impossible if he just takes a knife and kill himself in front of his friends at the moment. :)
Alright, i'm finish here. Just remember what i'm asking okay, a simple thing, "Remember me". See you next chance.. :)
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